Item of the Month: The Hackley Dial

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The Hackley Dial, the student newspaper, was first published in 1927. As the years have gone on formats change, topics arise but at the heart of it all is the voice of the student body.

When doing research to answer reference questions for alums, faculty or students, the first source of materials is The Dial. It gives an idea of what was going on at the Hilltop during any given school year. News items like the big football game, new faculty members, recent field trips, Founder’s Day and club meetings flood each issue. Then there are the broader articles that reflect what was going on in the world - confronting dress code, co-education and Vietnam to name a few. The Dial has been a steady platform for the students’ collective voice for over 90 years.

Realizing what a rich source of information The Dial is, we had every issue in the archive digitized so the Hackley community could benefit from these articles. One of my favorite issues is Vol. 50, No. 3 from November of 1969, featured here. The headline, “Girls to be Admitted; Grades 3 and 4 Planned” with the caption “What’s She Doing Here?” under the photo of then Headmaster MacArthur shaking a girl’s hand is striking. The image as a whole reminds us of the progress we’ve made as a community.

Interested in an issue of the Hackley Dial? Reach out to our archivist Liesel Vink