How Alumni Guest Speakers Can Be a Part of the ISRP
Our students really like to hear about the scientific research our alumni are doing and learning about how you got from Hackley to conducting scientific research. Read on for more.
ISRP would love to invite any alumni actively involved in research to come back to speak to our budding scientists. In the past, we have had undergrads, grad students and professors either visit in person or via Skype, to talk to our students about their research and their experiences in conducting research from high school to their current occupation. These conversations help demystify the process of getting from high school to becoming a research scientist.
If you are currently involved in any scientific research, then we would love to have you come in to speak to our students about your own experiences. These visits are very informal, and can even be done by Skype if you are not in the area.
Thank you for considering a visit to the Hilltop. The experiences and advice you have is extremely valuable to our budding scientists! For more information or to set up a visit, please contact Dr. Andrew Ying (