Speed Networking for college-age alumni
Join us on Wednesday, January 1 at 7 pm in the Dining Hall @Hackley for a night of networking with fellow alumni to learn about different industries and grow your professional network.
Alumni “mentors” representing different industries will be stationed at tables and attendees will have the opportunity to visit them to learn about their career paths and their professions, in addition to receiving networking tips. RSVP HERE
For additional details reach out to alumni@hackleyschool.org
Featuring Alumni Mentors:
Education - Krysta Dudley '01, Kindergarten Teacher at Hackley
Entertainment/Journalism - Sojourner Elleby '11, Producer and On-Air Host
Finance - Bernie Gordon '03, Managing Director at BlackRock
Cybersecurity/IT - Timothy Steinberg '15, Senior Vulnerability Analyst at Bloomberg
Journalism - Molly Reinmann '22, Journalism Major at Yale University and News Intern at Wisconsin State Journal
Law - Michelle Annunziata '94, Partner at Mayer Brown LLP
Medicine - Trish Raciti '02, Scientific Director, Oncology at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
Medicine - Paulathena Stone '13, Certified Nurse Midwife at St. Barnabas Hospital
Mental Health/Counseling - Francesca Delia '13, Senior Care Partner at Within Health
Networking - Cory Weinreb '17, Wealth Management Analyst at Morgan Stanley
Politics - Ruth Walter '84, Former Westchester County Legislator, District 15 at Westchester County Board of Legislators