In the news: Tanya Nicholson Miller '90

Tanya, BAC Chair and HAA Director, was recently quoted in an article in the Montclarion titled Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Montclair State to Discuss Childcare Expansion." Tanya Miller is the Assistant Director of the Early Intervention program and acting Associate Director of Ben Samuels Children’s Center.

In the article, Tanya Nicholson Miller '90 gave her opinion on the Biden administration's effort to make childcare more accessible,  “I think early childhood education and care is very important for families, particularly with families who have children with developmental disabilities or delays,” Miller said. “They need a place where they can have affordable educational resources for their children, as well as therapeutic resources for their children with knowledgeable, caring and nurturing therapists, [a] support team and teachers who are well educated and suited to be in the classroom to meet the needs in an inclusion setting.”