PostAP Spanish Students Deliver Social Media Tips to Neighbors Link Families

On Thursday, April 27, students in Mrs. Washington’s PostAP Spanish: Language and Culture class carried out the service component of their annual service-learning collaboration with community partner, Neighbors Link.

Neighbors Link’s mission is to “build stronger communities through immigrant empowerment and integration.” The class collaborated with the organization’s “Adelante Juntos” (Forward Together) parent-education program. The coordinators of the program shared that many of the parents are eager to understand the complexities of social media in order to better protect their children and to instill in them a better sense of wellness around technology.

Hackley students researched, wrote, designed, and delivered a presentation entirely in Spanish about social media literacy and safety via Zoom. The also developed short “how-to” video-tutorials, where they shared more specific information on such popular social media platforms as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok.

This opportunity to engage with the community was not only invaluable to the students’ experience as Spanish-language learners, but it was also deeply impactful and empowering as they grow in leadership and citizenship.