Hackley Trustee Shares Her Path in Finance With Economics Students

On Friday, April 28, Hackley Trustee Dawn Fitzpatrick P ’22, ’24, ’28, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at Soros Fund Management, spoke to Mr. Sykes' two economics classes. Ms. Fitzpatrick gave an outstanding talk to the 11th and 12th grade students, sharing a compelling history about her career path.

Ms. Fitzpatrick also offered valuable life lessons, stressing the importance of hard work and the willingness to "hustle," as well as the value in learning from your mistakes. The students were clearly inspired by her stories of perseverance and determination as she worked her way to becoming a true standout in the financial world.

One of the highlights of Ms. Fitzpatrick's talk was when she explained to the class the type of analysis and thinking involved in investment decisions. The example she used to do so, Royal Caribbean, allowed her to touch on such relevant themes as the impact of COVID on Wall Street, ways in which companies can respond to difficult situations, understanding debt, and the importance of working hard to find the type of critical information that can make a difference in an investment decision. In addition, Ms. Fitzpatrick’s explanation of options, a new concept for most in the class, was clear and accessible to all.

Ms. Fitzpatrick has an exceptional knack as a teacher and a rare ability to make complex topics engaging and digestible. Students have been raving about her talk, with some saying things like “she was my favorite speaker of the year” and “I want to be like her when I grow up.”

Hackley is deeply appreciative of Ms. Fitzpatrick’s visit to the Hilltop!